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The TxHmL Program provides selected essential services and supports to people with a diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) or a related condition who live in their family homes or their own homes.
Covered Services:
The cost of covered services may not exceed $17,000 per year. Services include:
- Adaptive aids
- Minor home modifications
- Specialized therapies (includes audiology, speech/language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and dietary services)
- Behavioral support
- Dental treatment
- Nursing
- Community Support
- Respite
- Day habilitation
- Employment assistance
- Supported employment
- Service coordination to all individuals enrolled in TxHmL
Financial eligibility requirements
- Age: No limit
- Income and Resources: The applicant must be Medicaid eligible prior to enrollment in the program. An applicant is financially eligible if he or she is: eligible for supplemental security income (SSI); eligible for Medical Assistance Only (MAO) protected status; under 20 years of age, financially the responsibility of TDFPS in whole or in part and is being cared for in a foster home or group home licensed or certified and supervised by TDFPS in which a foster parent is the primary caregiver residing in the home; currently receiving Medicaid for Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care; or a member of a family that receives full Medicaid benefits as a result of qualifying for Temporary Aid to Needy Families.
Additional Criteria:
In addition, applicants must:
- qualify for an ICF/IDD Level of Care I;
- have a determination of IDD made in accordance with state law or have been diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition;
- have an Individual Plan of Care for waiver services which does not exceed $15,000;
- not be assigned a Pervasive Plus level of need (LON 9);
- live in his or her own or family home;
- have made a choice of the TxHmL Program over the ICF/IDD Program; and
- not be enrolled in another 1915(c) waiver program.
Making the first steps
- Intake: Call for information, 1-325-305-8633 please note you must include the 1 when dialing, and an appointment will be scheduled if needed.
- Assessment: Testing is done to see if a person is eligible for services.
- Referral: Staff provides information about other services.
- Placement: If needed, staff helps find group home placement in the community or in a state school.