Our Services
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Community mental health services are usually provided at an office, at a school, or in the home. Services support families to make positive changes that help children recover from mental illness and foster resilience.
Mental health services start with a thorough assessment and developing a plan to address goals identified by the child and family. Services to the child and family may include:
- Crisis intervention
- Skills training and development
- Counseling
- Supportive employment
- Medication training and support
- Case management
- Peer services (family partner support services)
What Are the Benefits of Child or Youth Mental Health Services?
National statistics show that one out of four children will have a mental illness during childhood. Children diagnosed and treated are more likely to succeed at home and in the community.
These services are based upon the child’s strengths, needs and preferences. The benefits include:
- Reduction of mental health symptoms
- Development of new communication skills
- Development of new ways to manage emotions
- Development of new ways to relax and create
- Improved social functioning at home and the community
- Services that fit into the child’s and family’s schedule
- Services provided where the child and family live
Who Is Eligible for Community Mental Health Services for Children?
Children’s Mental Health serves children 3 to 17 with a mental health diagnosis who:
- Are at risk of having to move away from their home or school
- Are enrolled in special education
What is the intake process?
To begin intake process, call 325-646-9574 to schedule a screening.
Crisis Hotline – A telephone service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week that you can call to get help if you or your child is experiencing a psychiatric crisis. Locally, this number is 1-800-458-7788. This hotline is available for anyone to call, regardless of if they are receiving services or not.
Assessment – There are several steps to completing an assessment. The first part is to determine whether or not your child is eligible for services from the local mental health authority. A licensed professional will meet with you and your child face-to-face to ask you questions about your child’s mental health, emotional and behavioral issues, their relationships at home and with friends, their health, their development, their schoolwork and other information needed to complete the assessment.
Requirements for Services
- (We provide a free assessment to determine the following)
- Must have a mental health diagnosis
- Must reside in Brown, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, McCulloch, Mills, and San Saba Counties.
- Parent must complete a rating scale that points out problematic areas.
- Must have one of the following:
- GAF of 50 or below
- At risk of being removed from the preferred living environment
- Considered E.D. special education in school
If your child has more than one of the following symptoms, we may be able to help:
- Wants to sleep all the time
- Has trouble getting to sleep
- Argues with adults
- Fighting
- Does not mind adults
- Problems with behavior at school
- Poor appetite
- Overeating
- Low energy
- Poor concentration
- Depressed mood
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Loses temper often
- Defies adult’s requests or rules
- Blames others for mistakes
- Deliberately annoys others
- Touchy or annoyed by others
- Does not pay attention to details
- Does not listen when spoken to
- Does not follow through on instructions
- Difficulty organizing tasks
- Loses thing required to complete a task
- Easily distracted
- Runs, climbs excessively
- Difficulty engaging in leisure activities quietly
- Blurts out answers
- Difficulty waiting turn
- Interrupts others
Child and Youth Mental Health (MH) Priority Population –
The children’s mental health priority population are children ages 3 – 17 with serious emotional disturbance (excluding a single diagnosis of substance abuse, intellectual or developmental disability, or autism spectrum disorder) who have a serious functional impairment or who:
(1) Are at risk of disruption of a preferred living or children care environment due to psychiatric symptoms, or 2) Are enrolled in special education because of a serious emotional disturbance excluding a single diagnosis of IDD ASD, or SUD and reside in our service area.
For more information regarding Child and Adolescent services, call (325) 646-9574
The Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Waiver allows for more flexibility in the funding of intensive community based services to assist children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbance to live in the community with their families. To learn more, call 1-888-609-6467.
What is the YES Waiver?
The Youth Empowerment Services Waiver is the 1915(c) Medicaid program that partners with families and the community to ensure qualifying Texas youth have access to a wide range of Community-based services and supports. The YES Waiver provides intensive services delivered within a strengths-based team planning process called Wraparound. YES Waiver services promote lifelong independence and self-defined success and is:
-Family Centered
-Effective at preventing out-of-home placement.
Who is eligible for the YES Waiver program?
-Be 3 through 18 years old
-Have serious mental, emotional and behavioral difficulties.
-Have a qualifying mental health diagnosis.
-Be at risk of being placed outside of their home because of their mental health needs.
-Meet the criteria to be admitted in a psychiatric hospital.
-Be eligible for Medicaid (parent’s income does not apply for this Medicaid eligibility.
Contact Center For Life Resources at (888) 609-6467 to schedule an appointment for a screening for YES Waiver Services.
What is Wraparound?
Center for Life Resources provides Wraparound services for qualifying youth who have a need for intensive support . Wraparound is a strengths-based, family centered planning process. A Wraparound facilitator works with the youth and family to create a Child and Family Team, which meets monthly and may include family, friends, neighbors, professionals and others who are important to the youth and family. Together, the Child and Family Team helps families achieve their vision of success and build a foundation of support that will remain after the youth has successfully completed the program.
Contact Center for Life Resources at (325) 646-9574 to schedule an appointment for a screening for services.